Friday, November 27, 2015

Spring Cleaning with ikahrahimin

caution, the title will not make sense to the content. thanks

It's been a great deal of time being away from my blog and I bet it's dusty as fuck (ceh ayat cliche whenever you're writing after a long hiatus). So here I am, dusting all those motherfucking dusts away cause ayyyyyy The-Not-So-Great Ikah is back!

hopefully back for good...

The main reason as to why am I haunting my blog again at this hour is because I'd like to inform those three of my followers and also those who reads my blog of what I have been doing since registering to UPM..ada ke yang baca blog sial macam ni

Life's good so far, I am doing great. I've overcomed my depression and I am proud to say that I no longer suffer from those panic attack or social anxiety attack anymore. Phew.

Also, I've been studying French and I am slowly learning how to curse in French cause I need to make my blog readable to the world, to France actually but yeah!!

*epic music playing

thus, the meme!
That's all I got for this edition, sys peeps. 

*Muah cikedd pls