Wednesday, February 11, 2015

May Allah Bless You, My Drink.

It's officially 11th of February! And it is her birthday!!!
Le her stands beside me! Muehehehe

Anyways, it is Teh's birthday. Me iz not good in wishing people on their and me no want to be common. To just say 'Happy Birtday!' Wiiii!!! Lalalala. Shits like that. Urgh.

So, I thought that writing a post for her is the only thing I can and know how to do.

Yup Teh, I wrote this at 0030 and it is all because I'm not that sleepy. 😁

Happy birthday!


Cakes are optional but I put it because it is pink and this person loooovvvvveeeeeee pink. Sigh. Haha.

You're 19. Old mate. You are OLD! Haha. I do wish things will go your way soon. I know that you have your dreams that you wanna achieve anddd hopefull,  someday, you'll live it.

I lnow that I've been a bad friend this sem. I know that I have not been sensitive about your feelings. I know how selfish I am.

Thanks for being my friend. You have a special spot in my heart. I really hope that Allah swt will grant all your wishes.

Be a nice human, Teh. Be strong. Aku tahu that aku jarang be there for you. You can count on me. Trust me. I just wanna see you smile and happy.

Don't forget me, because I'm your asshole friend. I love you and you are not just my friend. You are my family.

I hate myself for hurting your feelings. Forgive all my wrongdoings. We are not perfect. I wanna see you live your life.

I want to write more but I need my beauty sleep. Haha! Leggo eat yong tau foo someday. 😏 Hehe.

Btw if you got problems, tell me. I don't like seeing you sad. If something's troubling you, let me know. and I'm realllllyyyyy sorry if my depression ever disturb you. I'm I'm sorry. Forgive me?

Hopefully cat pictures will help you to forgive me. Lulz.

She'll hate me for this. But she's the bday girl.
